From the very beginning, Etraves has placed customer satisfaction at the heart of its daily priorities. To do so, it has set itself several strong ambitions, including that of constantly improving its position in its market. Etraves has quickly become a reliable and reactive company, recognized for the quality of its products and the work of its teams.
Etraves also has more strategic ambitions, such as improving its responsiveness (in terms of competitiveness and deadlines), developing a culture of performance and skills management and, finally, placing safety at the heart of its team management.
This is an exciting challenge that Etraves tries to meet every day thanks to the expertise of its teams. In order to carry out this mission, the management of Etraves is committed, with the help of everyone, to allocate all the human and technical resources necessary for the smooth running of the company and the success of this challenge.
This policy, called QSE (Quality - Safety - Environment), is very important in the business world and its management requires rigor for a perfect implementation.
How to set it up
In fact, our approach to improvement is continuous and this includes compliance with legal and regulatory requirements over the years. The deployment of quality training, the improvement of our production times as well as the maintenance of good results in terms of safety, in particular, will ensure the continuity of the company.
Each "pilot" manager can measure his or her performance thanks to numerous existing indicators and then communicate the results obtained to his or her team. Thus, collectively, cohesion is strengthened, the team modifies some possible reflexes and, quickly, the results progress even more. We work better, faster and customer satisfaction increases significantly.
Refusing to progress is going backwards
In 2018, it is not possible for a company the size of Etraves to do without a high quality QSE policy. This sometimes implies sacrifices, questioning, and patience, but this is the price to pay for optimal customer satisfaction. The company, although family-owned, now benefits from a national aura and each of its customers is under the fire of primordial objectives to be respected and thus, logically, has expectations and a certain level of requirement towards our company. With our QSE policy, we take up this challenge with evidence.