There are many jobs within the company Etraves. Technical jobs, administrative jobs, commercial jobs. However, as Etraves is above all a packaging company, it is important to highlight the job of packaging agent, also called packer. It is, in a way, the cornerstone of the company.
A multi-faceted profession, rich in lessons learned
The packer must be organized and reactive, and must take into account a precise schedule in order to execute orders. He must also be attentive to the instructions given and act with caution and reflection. In the strict respect of hygiene, safety and environmental regulations, he/she must be able to follow and respect a manufacturing methodology, so that everything is perfectly in place: the workshop form and the work order form must be correctly filled in and sufficiently detailed, the products must be functional and the production rates must be respected. This helps to avoid non-conforming products and delays. To facilitate the traceability of his actions and the future actions of his colleagues or himself, the packer must know how to use the computer tool in order to record all his activity such as the quantities produced, the scoring or the rejects. To prevent the production line from coming to a halt, he must be sure that he is not short of stock and take the necessary steps with the appropriate departments. He must therefore anticipate any problem that may arise. The packer must also know how to get his hands dirty from time to time, by maintaining the equipment and by dismantling, cleaning, reassembling and adjusting all the machines and elements necessary for the proper functioning of the production line. Therefore, the packer must have a certain logic and common sense. He may also have to drive various machines or use specific machines such as scales. Of course, he has to control the quality of the products that come out of the production line in order to avoid the disappointment of the customers as well as the return of the said products and therefore the disappointment of his management. Finally, at the end of his work, he must tidy up his workstation and make sure that nothing is a risk for his colleagues as well as for Etraves.
The position of packer is simply at the heart of the job of this family structure which has become a key player in the packaging market, even if each position is important and valued within Etraves. Mr. Papin has watched over his employees for nearly 20 years, with respect and benevolence. The current management does the same, as the company has remained a family business.